Our stories matter.
In November 2014, I started My People Tell Stories because as an ethnomusicologist working in academia for more than a decade, I became concerned with the lack of diversity in music studies broadly speaking—including performance, research and education. Even in ethnomusicology, where people of color are more often than not the subjects of study, their lack of representation within the field was problematic and representative of the insidiousness of present-day systemic racism. My People Tell Stories represented my humble attempt to promote and validate the knowledge produced by people of color and subsequently create an education system that is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
Since those humble beginnings, My People Tell Stories has gone on to provide a wide variety of services in the arts to individuals, institutions, and businesses. From educational materials to innovative arts programs and professional development workshops, I am dedicated to providing services that help to dismantle the effects of systemic racism in the arts, and particularly in the field of music. I especially encourage people of color working in the arts to tell their stories in their own voices. Our stories matter. Our perspectives matter.
I believe that when we share and listen to each other's stories, with an open heart and mind, we help to build a world where racism, sexism, xenophobia, and other forms of prejudice have no place to thrive. I hope you’ll join us on this journey to make the world a better place. And remember, “If you’re not telling your own stories, someone else is telling them for you.”
Danielle Brown, Ph.D.
Founder & CEO